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Monday, July 1, 2013

Yoga for Health Treatment and Remedies

Yoga for Health Treatment and Remedies
July 2 2013
YOGIKA CHIKITSA (Yogic Treatments)
The more you learned yoga. The more you know how supreme it really is.
Difficulty in breathing, caused partly by kapha and partly by Vayu, is the 
symptom of this disease. The attack is usually felt towards the end of the 
When the fine bronchial tubes through which air flows to the lungs become full 
of phlegm or mucus due to weakness of the glands connected to the Anahata Cakra, 
(*) the passage of air becomes obstructed. Due to contraction of the weak
bronchial tubes, the carbon dioxide of the body cannot come out as it should, 
and that poisonous gas, trapped in the body, is to a large extent responsible 
for the breeding of disease germs.

The weakening of the glands connected to the Anahata Cakra cannot alone be 
responsible for permanent respiratory trouble. When weakness of the glands 
related to the Manipura Cakra (*) -- as a primary cause -- and of those related 
to the Vishuddha Cakra (*Psychic‑energy centres located at the mid‑point of the 
chest, the navel an the throat, respectively.)-- as a secondary cause-- is added 
to the weakness of the glands of the Anahata Cakra, then only does a respiratory 
disease express itself. If, due to weakness of the digestive fluids, the blood 
gets contaminated by acids, or if one is suffering from constipation, then 
different organs of the body also become weak. In such a condition, due to
weakness of the lungs, the nervous system controlling the lungs also suffers 
from debility and finally the bronchial tubes as well become weak. That is the 
time when asthma becomes fully manifest.
For breakfast patients should eat local sweet or sour fruits, or meoya fruits
soaked in water for a few hours. A little lemon juice should be consumed a
number of times during the day. The patient should never completely fill the 
stomach. The bowels should be cleared carefully, because constipation aggravates 
asthma. As for food, a small quantity of hot boiled rice or ruti, together with 
sufficient leafy‑vegetable soup, milk, curd (yogurt) or curd‑water should be
used. In fact all alkaline foods are beneficial in this disease. Ghee, oil, 
rice, pulses, rutis, and all non‑vegetarian foods are acidic, therefore the less 
these are taken the better.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Milk should be the main drink for asthma patients. It is better for them to 
finish the evening meal as early as possible, certainly by an hour and a half 
after sunset, that is, by 7:30 or 8 PM, because it will keep the stomach light, 
having digested the food well before dawn. Then acute asthmatic spasms cannot 
occur. Remember that asthmatic spasms cannot occur when one's stomach hungers 
for food, so in a severe attach of asthma, the more one fasts, the better.
Asthma patients should strictly abstain from all sorts of intoxicants. Anyone 
who drinks less than three‑fourths seer of milk a day should not drink even one 
cup of tea. Also, all non‑vegetarian types of food are to be rejected.
For a person who cannot avoid eating non‑vegetarian food, a little soup of small 
and freshly‑caught fish is permissible. In those countries where it is almost
impossible to obtain vegetarian types of food, patients should use myrobalan or 
some other laxative agent after meals in order to save themselves from 
constipation. In summer, winter and in all seasons, patients should take a long 
walk in the open air.
Some remedies:
1. Excellent results can be achieved if the patient takes on tola of the branch 
roots of white punarnava ground together in river water with 2 1/2 pieces of 
black pepper. Do this on an empty stomach while sitting facing north, on any 
Monday, after bathing.
2. Boil 5 tolas of cow's ghee in a kansa pot. In another pot heat 2 1/2 tolas of 
ginger extract, and mix it into the boiled ghee and cover with a Kansa plate. 
When the mixture has stopped simmering, take about 2 tolas and pour it into 1/8 
seer of hotmilk and give it to the asthma patient to drink when his/her 
suffering is acute. Plenty of mucus and phlegm will immediately be brought up, 
and the patient will feel relieved. If the mixture can be taken continuously for 
fifteen days, the disease will be completely cured.
3. Catch a frog and take out its heart. Cut the heart into four parts. For four 
consecutive mornings, after having a bath, eat one piece together with a banana 
on a completely empty stomach. It will bring good results.
4. Catch 6 or 7 cockroaches and boil them in half a seer of water. When the 
water has boiled down to 1/8 seer (10 tolas), strain it carefully and drink it
hot twice a day, 5 tolas each time. This relieves asthma.
5. Burn a peacock feather to ashes and take 1/16 tola of the ashes by slowly 
licking with honey. This will relieve the suffering of asthma within a short 
6. Aged raw cane sugar and pure mustard oil mixed in equal quantities 
(preferably one tola each), if taken by licking them each day early in the 
morning for twenty‑one days continuously on an empty stomach, will give 
excellent results in asthma.

Physical weakness, acidic or watery belching, dizziness, burning stomach, 
heartburn, etc.
Oxygen inhaled in breathing enters the body and eventually turns into carbon 
dioxide. Through the influence of this carbon dioxide, the digestive 
fluid‑secreting glands are activated. If food is taken irregularly and 
excessively day after day, or if food is forced down with little or no appetite, 
or if eating rich food becomes a steady habit, it becomes impossible for the 
digestive fluid to digest the food properly. then, just as one the one hand the 
undigested or partially‑ digested food turns into poisonous gas, so on the other 
hand the secreted digestive fluid gradually turns into harmful acid.
The digestive fluids are themselves acidic, but under normal conditions when 
they digest food they themselves are digested. When, however, as a result of the 
aforesaid irregularities, they are unable to digest the food, the fluids 
themselves also remain undigested.
The cause of acidity, therefore, is the poisonous gas being produced by the 
decomposed food, together with the putrid acid produced by the deterioration of 
the undigested fluids.
The putrid acidic gas and fluids cause a burning sensation in the stomach. When 
they rise up to the chest they cause heartburn; when they reach the throat, 
burning is felt in the throat; when they rise further they cause dizziness.
Due to this excessive acidity, the blood becomes acid‑ dominated. Being 
overworked, the blood‑purifying organs of the body also become weak, and the 
patient feels weak.
This over‑acidity of the blood also causes swelling and consequent pain in 
different parts of the body, especially the joints. The name of this condition
is 'rheumatism.'
When a strong and continuous effort is being made by the body's organs to purify 
the over‑acid blood, this condition is called 'colic' or 'shooting pain.'
In acidity boiled old rice (grains a few years old), soup of green vegetables 
(no vegetables fried, parched, or taken in large quantity), juicy sweet or sour 
fruits, and curd‑water are especially useful. Curd (yogurt) alone is not 
particularly beneficial for acidity patients.
Do’s and Don’ts:
For patients of acidity it is particularly important to walk in the open air, to 
eat less food than the appetite demands, and to drink plenty of water, in small 
amounts, at intervals throughout the day. Coconut and coconut foods and 
medicines are especially useful in this disease. Patients should refrain from
eating breakfast and snacks. If the hunger is unbearable, the patient may eat a 
little bit of juicy fruit. A frequent symptom of this disease is that, due to 
old habits, the digestive glands discharge an excessive quantity of fluids, as a 
result of which the patient suddenly feels an extreme hunger at odd times, which 
is called 'demon hunger.' That is why we find that a patient who is often in a 
depressed mood about his/her disease or goes around talking about the disease to 
everyone, when he/she sits down to eat, eats excessively. This symptom is the 
result of the secretion of digestive fluids at a particular time in accordance 
with the old habits of the patient. It is therefore desirable to be cautious 
about this 'demon,' detrimental hunger. An acidity patient should never violate 
these do's and don'ts.

If due to the over‑secretion of digestive fluids the patient suffers from 'demon 
hunger,' it can be relieved by drinking a large glass of water. When the acidity 
patient feels pain, it is advisable to drink orange or tangerine juice mixed in 
tepid water. After the pain has subsided, lemon juice in cold water should be 
taken. As with dyspepsia, during mealtime and for an hour thereafter breath 
should be flowing through the patient's right nostril.
At the time of severe colic pain, the dominant flow of breath should be changed 
from the nostril through which it was flowing at the time the pain started to
the other nostril. allowing the bile to accumulate by not taking something when 
one is hungry should never be permitted, because in that even the undigested 
bile itself will become the cause of acidity.
Some remedies:
1. Eat some shredded dry coconut along with a prepared betel (Piper betle Linn.) 
leaf, or some flesh of mature coconut along with aniseed.
2. To get immediate relief from a distressing colic pain, equal quantities of 
chalk and atapa rice powder should be ground together, and 1/2 tola of the 
mixture should be taken.
3. Take with cold water 1/16 of the white portion of the ashes of the tamarind (Tamarindus 
indica Linn) pod.
4. Take 1/16 tola of the ashes of white akanda leaf and rock salt after burning 
them together in equal quantities in an enclosed earthen pot.
5. As with dyspepsia, it is desirable for acidity patients to observe fasting on 
Ekadashii days and regulation of diet on Purnima and Amavasya.




Incessant desire for urination, burning sensation in the urinary tract, 
continuous thirst and sweet taste in the mouth, attraction of flies and ants 
towards the urine, headache, dizziness, pale and dry skin, becoming old in
appearance at a young age, discomfort all over the body, etc., taken together, 
are the indications of diabetes. It is often found that diabetic persons suffer 
from cataracts.
It is not always the case that sugar is present in the urine of diabetes 
patients. Diabetes with sugar in the urine is called 'somaroga' or 'madhumeha'. 
Diabetes without sugar is called 'muratisara' or 'udakameha'.
The debility of the Manipura Cakra (* Psychic‑energy center located at the 
navel.) is the main cause of diabetes. Amongst the pancreatic juices, one 
secretion helps in the digestion of food, and another separates the sugar 
content from non‑vegetarian and starchy types of food. The sugar is then stored 
in a particular section of the liver and according to body requirements it is 
dissolved to generate heat and vital power to run the body mechanism. Chronic 
indigestion, constipation (here also the stool usually turns into pellets), and
excessive seminal waste-- all weaken the vitality of the liver. When such 
weakening takes place, the sugar contents of the food, failing to find a storage 
place in the liver, are assimilated into the blood and gradually accumulate. As 
a result, the blood gets polluted and loses its immune properties to a great
extent. The natural reaction of the body in such a situation is to try to purify 
the blood by separating out its sugar content and expelling it with the urine. 
To dissolve the sugar, the human body needs plenty of water, and that is why 
diabetes patients suffer from a continuous thirst. Sugar emitted with the urine 
in a large quantity gradually reduces the vital energy of diabetes patients.
As diabetes is basically a disease of liver and pancreas, care has to be taken 
to keep these organs in a healthy state, and to do so patients must select food 
that will keep their bowels clear, yet which is nutritious and easily 
digestible. All types of fruits are good for this disease, especially ripe 
bananas. Non‑vegetarian food must never be eaten. Vegetable proteins are also 
acidic, hence they are to eaten as sparingly as possible. It is therefore 
advisable to reduce the intake of rice and ruti (made of wheat flour) and 
instead to use more foods such as vegetable soup, plantain soup, patol, okra, 
dhundula, palta, squash (Lagenaria vulgaris Seringe), plantain spathes and
flowers, figs, etc., which contain alkaline properties.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Diabetes is the disease of intellectuals. Those who do physical labor seldom 
suffer from this disease. Undergoing mental exertion, remaining indoors for a 
long period, physical laziness, constipation, intemperance, etc., are reasons 
for the contraction of diabetes. As has already been said, diabetes is basically 
connected with the liver and the pancreas, hence only those foods should be 
selected which do not over‑stimulate those vital organs. Similarly, work and 
exercise which will help to bring these organs into their normal state of health 
must be pursued more and more. For those who are adverse to physical labor, a 
cure from diabetes is next to impossible.
The human body also needs the nutrients offered by starchy and non‑vegetarian 
types of food; therefore foods which are not acidic but rather alkaline, yet 
contain those nutrients, should be taken in greater quantity to meet those 
needs. This will include coconut, peanuts, curd (yogurt), bananas, etc. A drink 
of peanut extract and water without sugar and with little or no honey is ideal 
as both food and medicine for this disease.
Remember that insulin may increase the vitality of a patient but can never cure 
the disease. 
Generally diabetes patients are a bit greedy, and sometimes they eat too much 
sweetened food, which brings on the disease. Diabetes patients must keep control 
over such temptations and should practice fasting.
In the severe state of the disease a continuous fast for two or three days 
taking nothing but a little juice of lemon or other fruit will definitely reduce 
the sugar content of the urine.
Sometimes sugar is completely absent in the urine. In this respect one has to 
remember that sugar may be found temporarily in the urine if the urinary 
bladder, kidney or some other internal organ is subjected to a blow. If in such 
cases insulin is given, it will actually harm the patient. Under such 
circumstances the best thing to do would be to treat the injury of the concerned 
organ appropriately, and then the urine of the patient will automatically become 
Some remedies:
1. Boil myrobalan, mutha, lodha and banyan fruits in equal quantities and drink 
2 tolas of the extract early in the morning for a few days regularly. This will 
bring a good result.
2. Crush about 1/8 seer of guava leaves in water at night. The next morning 
strain the leaves out and drink the water. This will bring good results during 
the severe state of diabetes.
3. (a) 1 tola of yajina dumura juice with honey; or
(b) 1 tola of telakuca leaf extract taken with honey early in the morning by
licking it; will relieve diabetes.
4. (a) 1/16 tola of the inside of jam seeds with honey; or
(b) Dry shimula root crushed with powder, to be licked with honey in a quantity 
of 1/16 tola; will yield excellent results with diabetes.
5. When the disease is worsening, 5 tolas of bansha leaves in half a seer of 
water, boiled down to 1/8 seer, and the leaves strained out, should be drunk for 
immediate results.
6. Boil gente durba, vahina dumura, emblic myrobalan (emblica offinalis Gaetrn.), 
myrobalan, coriander seeds and gandha‑mutha in equal quantities in half a seer 
of water. When boiled down to 1/8 seer, drink it. Do this every day for a week 
at break of dawn. This will bring beautiful results.
Swelling and contractions of the muscles or of different joints, acute pain or 
deformity of the swollen parts, etc., are the symptoms of this disease.
The causes of this disease are just like those of acidity. That is to say, 
rheumatism occurs when the vayu bodily air is disturbed due to excess of 
poisonous acids in the body.
Treatment: Same as for acidity.
Rheumatism patients should drink a sufficient quantity of water (say four to 
five seers a day, but not much at a time), and should also observe he bathing 
and sun‑bathing procedures. First the diseased limb should be exposed several 
times to the rays of the sun, and finally the entire body. The prescribed 
procedure for sun‑bathing should be carefully followed, i.e., exposing the 
particular limb or the entire body to the sun for fifteen to twenty minutes at a 
stretch at the time fixed for summer or winter months (see Appendix). When the 
particular limb or the entire body, as the case may be, has become sufficiently 
warm, the patient should retire to the shade and wipe the area with a wet towel. 
This can be repeated several times.
When a person's system becomes acid‑dominated rheumatism is the consequence. 
Hence the more a patient takes alkaline types of food, the better. If 
three‑fourths of the food is alkaline, it will cure rheumatism completely within 
a very short time. That is to say, all kinds of sweet and sour fruits and roots, 
are good for a rheumatism patient. Fasting with lemon juice and water on 
Ekadashii, Purnima and Amavasya days must be observed. Instead of cooked rice, 
it is better to take relatively dry food like ruti at night. But it is always 
better for rheumatism patients to take as little as possible starchy and acidic 
food such as rice, ruti, luci, etc., and instead to take fruits, roots, 
vegetable soups, etc., which are alkaline.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Just as for acidity; special care must be taken to clear the bowels regularly.
Some special remedies:
All remedies prescribed for acidity are also applicable in this disease. In 
1. When rheumatism first starts expressing itself, a mild purgative will cure it 
quickly. 10 or 12 tender leaves of sodala fried in ghee; or
2. 10 or 12 tender leaves of bichuti fried in ghee-- either of the two eaten 
with rice, will yield good results in the initial stages of rheumatism.
3. Castor oil with a little salt; or
4. Akanda gum with a little salt; rubbed on the rheumatic limbs, will give good 
5. Rheumatism can be cured by placing a warm solution of sajane gum mixed with 
water and a little asafetida (Ferula foetida Regel) on the affected limb, or by 
6. Garlic, ginger and the root of apamarga, pounded together, to the affected 
7. Fry some pork in mustard oil and rub that oil on the limbs. This will ease
the pain.
8. Tiger fat rubbed on the limbs will work similarly.
9. Either anantamula extract with honey: or
10. Gulainca extract; duly cooled and taken in 5 tolas quantity every morning 
will yield good results within a very short time.
11. Boil 2 tolas of triphala in half a seer of water; and when it has boiled 
down to 1/8 seer and is still warm, add 2 tolas of ginger extract. Drinking this 
for three days will surely cure rheumatic fever as well as elephantiasis, 
filaria, or any similar condition.

measurement: 1 tola = 12 gm.

Visit : Kabuhayan

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